Sunday, 15 November 2009

You say potato, I say potato

Not so much a meal, but just a small update

I had a left over baked potato in the fridge, and i was just about to throw it away, but thought - hey what the hell i'll make some gnocchi - not much as it's only one potato!


1 Baked Potato

some pasta flour (you want tipo 00 flour -used for making pasta)

salt and white pepper

you need to scoop out the innards of the potato and put it thorugh a potato ricer. I don't have one, so just used a sieve and a silicon spatula and put the sieved potato into a plastic bowl, I added about the same amount of flour as potato - maybe a bit less. season with salt and pepper, knead it in the bowl, then on a floured surface, roll it into a long sausage. Chop with a knife (you can chop it any way you like, I generally just chop at an angle to make each gnocchi quite long.

Thats it, roll them all in a bit of flour so all sides have been floured then put them in a fridge for a while to firm up. - oh! almost forgot, to cook, just put them in a boiling pan of salted water for a few minutes, they'll rise to the top once they're done. I often fry them in a little olive oil with sage. nom!

I've made gnocchi shed loads of times, sometimes it works well, othertimes it's a failure. Not sure what I'll be making with this, it's currently 5.52pm on a Sunday night, I'm sat with a glass of wine, having just tucked into some olives watching 'Come Dine With Me'. I'll work out what I'm going to make later, I think there's some bacon, cabbage and cream in the fridge - I'm sure I can rustle something up.

so anyway, thats how easy it is

Saker - out!

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