Thursday, 9 December 2010

Polenta and Bolognese

I get very excited about buying polenta now, there's loads to choose from. My latest batch came in a nice clear bag from Waitrose and looked all traditional with the odd black bit here and there, probably bits of beetle no doubt...

Anyway, a while back I made a big batch of polenta, spread it out on a baking sheet and let it cool. When polenta cools it goes hard so you can slice it up and fry in oil or grill it. So I sliced up what I didn't need and nestled it in my freezer next to my leftover bolognese sauce (probably).

So here is leftover bolognese sauce, fried leftover polenta, some grated parmesan and some somewhat haphazardly sprinkled greek basil. It would probably look nicer with olive oil drizzled around it, but when your fiancee is a Dietitian...let's just say it would be frowned upon.

I really need to use a decent camera instead of using the camera on my phone, the pictures always look so washed out. pah!

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