It's a great site, with a dumbed down approach to wine - making it more approachable to people like me, who only has a smidgeon of knowledge about wine. They have realy tried hard with the social network apects of the site, with the ability to join groups, organise tastings, and they have made reviewing wines really easy - which is the most important aspect of their site I'd say.
The feature that sets this place apart from the rest is their "Become an Angels" feature. Essentially you allow them to debit £20 a month into your online account. This is not an admin charge of any kind, the money you give can be put towards your wine purchases. If you do this, then you can get up to 33% cashback on all your purchases (which can only be used on more wine purchases, but thats no bad thing).
Now if your like me, and spend an awful lot more than £20 a month on wine, it's a bit of a no-brainer as the cashback reduces the cost of your next purchase.
Whats the wine like? Lovely from what I've tasted so far, helped by the wise words of the wine reviewers who have purchased before you.
Delivery is easy, with a handy additional info field for you to fill in advising the delivery guy where to hide your wine if you can't be there to pick it up - which worked perfectly!
I can't find the £50 voucher anymore, but here's a £40 voucher which can be used against a case of £79.99 or more (so you will have to dig £40 deep into your own pockets)
I highly recommend using them, I will be ordering again in a few weeks. Here's a picture or two of my first delivery of 15 bottles, which cost a total of £60 - reduced from about £120 with all the offers I had as a first time user of the site.